Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

By using you accept that we handle your personal data according to below mentioned data policy. TIF TIFFY Denmark ApS respect all wishes regarding concealment of personal data which has been given on the homepage. Furthermore, we respect and fulfil the need for appropriate protection and proper handling of your personal data.

If you can’t accept this data policy, we kindly ask you not to make use of this homepage.


Personal Data

Personal data covers all information that can be used to identify a person, including, but not limited to, first- and surname, age, gender, private address or another physical address, e-mail address or other information, regardless of the information concerning ones private address or workplace.


Which personal data is gathered and handled?

As a principal rule you can enter the homepage without giving us information about who you are or any other personal information.

However, need certain personal data in order to trade with you and deliver other services to you. By accepting these conditions, you accept the possibility of receiving marketing related material from TIF TIFFY to the stated e-mail. You may withdraw your accept for receiving marketing material at any time by contacting TIF TIFFY via e-mail: [email protected] or via phone: + 45 97 22 30 70. gathers and handles personal data when you:

  • Provide us with user information when you set up an user account on the homepage 
  • Buy a product
  • Send an inquiry, have a complaint or general feedback
  • Sign up for newsletter exclusively gathers the personal data which is needed (e.g. e-mail or private address) in order to provide you with the service demanded/required by you. The registration of personal data and data leading to you is needed in order to analyze how you make use of via Google Analytics. do not gather personally information about you from a third party. do not store payment information concerning means of payment, for example the card number from the credit card, bank account numbers or similar.


Who do we pass on information to?

The personal data given on is exclusively passed on to:

  • The company's internal departments
  • Selected and trusted third party which can use your personal data with the purpose of delivering products or services which you have ordered
  • Business partners with the purpose of registering and maintaining your user account exclusively passes on personal data to others, for example abuse register with reference to the law in question if you abuse or defraud TIF TIFFY Denmark ApS. In order to develop and improve your user experience on we run statistics concerning your behavior on the homepage. The statistic is utilized exclusively to see, for example which pages and browses you are using the most. make use of Google Analytics to gather visitor statistics and therefore in this connection pass the IP-address on to Google Analytics. Google Analytics may also pass on the information to a third party where the law demands it, or to a third party which works together with Google Analytics. The privacy conditions concerning Google Analytics is accepted when entering and appear on Except from above-mentioned case, will not pass on any information regarding your user behavior on


Where is your personal data stored?

The personal data is stored on Danish servers. Some of the information is administrated by a third party, which store and handle personal data on behalf of with reference to this data policy and with reference to the law in question concerning protection of personal data. 


Access to information

You always have the possibility to change and edit your user account information. You can be enlightened about the information we have registered you with. If you wish to receive a copy of these information, please send us an e-mail on [email protected] or by phone: + 45 97 22 30 70.


Contact, change and updating the privacy policy commit oneself continuously to fulfil the conditions regarding the law of the privacy policy. If you have any questions or comments to our privacy policy, or regarding the use of your personal data please don't hesitate to reach out on [email protected] or via phone: + 45 97 22 30 70.

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By clicking enter you are verifying that you are old enough to consume alcohol.


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